Entries by admin

Fred’s Shed

There’s a small contribution from me in Fred’s Shed, a delightful short film by Stephen Graves, which you can now view for free on Vimeo here. Click here to find out more about Stephen’s work.

The Referendum Day Puzzle

On 23 June 2016, the day of the European Union Referendum in the UK, Alan Connor published a blog post on the Guardian’s website containing what appeared to be a normal cryptic puzzle, set by Boatman and Crew. You’d have quickly realised, though, that something strange was happening, as the preamble stated “1,5,17,9 will be […]

1 Across Clueing Competition – Solutions

Here are the solutions to my three sample entries to the 1 Across clueing competition – I hope you didn’t cheat …   Perhaps Chamber’s & Co rather upset? (9) ORCHESTRA Maniac reveals male organ for Doc (3,6) ONE ACROSS Puzzling statement is to be expected at start of article (our editor’s, reportedly) (7) PARADOX […]

1 Across Clueing Competition – Clues

1 Across magazine used to run a monthly clueing competition. Before I became a proper compiler, I used to enter and, from time to time, win. Here, for your entertainment, are just a few of my entries. To enjoy the clues, you’ll need to know that the editor at the time was Tom Johnson, who […]

Bonus Downloads

Here are a few older puzzles for you to download from my 1 Across archive. You’ll notice how the themes differ from my work for the Guardian – I’ll be interested to hear what you think of them. Boys & Girls Proverb Where Are The Boatmen? A Well-Known Pair Salty Tales Merry Christmas 2004

What Else Do I Do?

During the day, I indulge an annoyingly tempting ability to make a living from financial analysis – you can see my professional website by clicking here – and in my free time I may be found cycling with the Sussex Nomads or playing music. I play something approximating jazz piano and organ, and have been […]


I don’t remember being precociously wordy as a child, though I do remember playing word games with my parents and looking at the Saturday Telegraph crossword in the back of their car during tedious hours of shopping. I used to get two or three clues, I think, and then give up – one stuck in […]

Early History

I was born in Lancashire, and I tell people that I kept moving South (showing either persistence or lack of imagination) until I reached the Channel and had to stop—which made a lot more sense when I lived on my boat in Brighton Marina, so I really did live in the Channel. I spent most […]