About admin
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But we are proud to say that admin contributed 18 entries already.
Entries by admin
Perplexed by Cryptic Crosswords?
/0 Comments/in BonusThanks to the lovely people at Splinter Design, you can watch my thoughts about taking your first steps into solving cryptic crosswords as part of the BBC’s IDEAS project, a series of short films explaining interesting things in entertaining ways. Click here to watch the film on the BBC’s website.
Summertime at the Greyhound
/0 Comments/in BonusMeanwhile, click here for a minute of the wonderful Georgie Fuller, with me audible on organ & bass in the background. Enjoy!
Mark Goodliffe in Action
/0 Comments/in BonusIn case you missed it last year, click here to see the brilliant Mark Goodliffe (aka Mr Magoo) solving one of my puzzles in real time – a rare honour, as he’s much better known as a champion solver of the Times – with a classic penny-dropping moment at 12:15. Not that Mark managed to […]
Something Festive for You
/0 Comments/in BonusA couple of seasonal entertainments for you, recorded in 2016 and 2017 at benefit concerts for the very wonderful Ditchling Museum of Arts & Crafts … enjoy! Seasonal 251s White Christmas
My Compiling Process
/0 Comments/in ThoughtsSTEP 1 I review my notebook of ideas-that-may-lead-to-themes-one-day. Some of them have been there for ten years, waiting for an interesting collision of images or wordplay. STEP 2 Meanwhile, a word or phrase I’ve heard or read somewhere may suggest a clue, and parts of that clue suggest other clues, so we’re off. STEP 3 […]
From 1 Across to the Guardian
/0 Comments/in HistoryIn the work that I’ve done for 1 Across magazine, you’ll find all manner of tricky theme devices: mystery words, partial definitions, long key phrases, links between clues and structural methods (I think I may have invented a new form in the Alphabetical Takeaway, in which a different letter of the alphabet is ignored in […]